This course will outline the essential components that it takes for an Acupuncturist to succeed by creating a growing and profitable Acupuncture practice. This course will teach the Acupuncturist how to be a successful business person, and how to keep the energy high, market and build the business with unique and important techniques for true success.
*Once purchased, please click on the first lesson title to begin the course.
The Attitude For Success
Building a Foundation
Your Message Every Acupuncturist’s practice will be different. This is because each Acupuncturist has a different style, technique, skill level, mindset, and way of relating to others. Everyone has a specific message or area of specialty to bring to others. If this is true, there are people in this world that you are meant to […]
Ideal Patients-How to Attract and Keep Them
Ideal Patients-How to Attract Them, How to Keep Them Your ideal patients who had a wonderful experience with you will be gloating about you to others. They are out there representing you and your practice. Therefore it is so important to be working with your ideal patients who are saying great things about you vs. […]
Building Your Brand and Trust with Your Patients
Building Your Brand 1.What do your patients get from you? What is the result? You will want to ask yourself why people come to you and what the main result is, from you being their practitioner. What is the number one result that you help your patients achieve? If you are a pain relief specialist, […]